Important Notice

  • is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the official TeraBox developers or website.
  • provides information and download links for modified versions of the TeraBox app (MOD APKs). These modifications are not created or supported by the original developers of TeraBox.
  • Using modified versions of apps can carry inherent risks. These risks might include:
    • Security vulnerabilities: MOD APKs could contain malware or other malicious code.
    • Stability issues: Modified apps might be less stable than official versions and could crash unexpectedly.
    • No official support: Developers of the original TeraBox app will not provide support for issues arising from using MOD APKs.
    • Potential violation of terms of service: Using modified applications might go against the official TeraBox terms of service.

Responsibility does not take responsibility for any consequences arising from downloading or using MOD APKs obtained through links on our website. You proceed at your own risk. We strongly advise researching the potential hazards associated with modified applications before downloading them.

We always recommend using the official TeraBox app, available from reputable app stores, to ensure maximum security and the best user experience.

Intellectual Property

All trademarks, logos, and copyrighted materials related to TeraBox remain the property of their respective owners. respects intellectual property rights and does not claim ownership of any content belonging to the official TeraBox creators.

Disclaimer of Warranties is provided on an “as is” basis. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, regarding the website’s operation, content, or any linked MOD APKs.

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances shall or its contributors be liable for any damages arising from the use of this website or any MOD APKs obtained through links provided.

Changes to This Disclaimer

We reserve the right to modify this Disclaimer at any time. Your continued use of following any changes signifies your acceptance of the revised Disclaimer.

If you have any questions regarding this Disclaimer, please contact us.